아이폰과 아이패드를 동시에 지원합니다. 맥에서 사용할 수 있는 게임 도구를 제공해서 좀 더 쉽게 게임을 만들 수 있습니다. 아래는 프로젝트 홈페이지에서 갈무리한 내용과 소개 동영상입니다.
프로젝트 홈페이지 : http://code.google.com/p/galaxyengine/
프로젝트 홈페이지 : http://code.google.com/p/galaxyengine/
Platform Support
- Mac - x86-64, i386, and PPC.
- iPhone
- iPad
Development System Requirements
- Intel based Mac with GMA X3100 or better graphics card.
- iPhone SDK version 4.0 or greater for iphone development.
- Xcode 3.1 or greater.
Galaxy Engine is one of the only Open Source game engines to include an entire game development suite with tools including:
- Galaxy Forge - Powerful world editing tool for object placement, offline lightmap calculation, intuitive move, rotate and scale tools, platform specific resource compilation, sector placement, light placement, graphics quality configuration for individual object, and complete property editor for world classes.
- Earth Shop - Brush based terrain editor with proprietary vertex format and heightmap import / export allowing you to use other terrain creation packages.
- Wizard - Advanced particle system creation and preview tool.
- High Res - Alpha to coverage image compression which allows you to compress high resolution shapes into tiny images.
- Surface - Simple material editor for configuring diffuse, ambient specular, and shininess factors.
- Shader Studio - Complete GLSL shader code editor with syntax checking and highlighting.
- Mega Mesh - OBJ and GSMESH preview tool with collision box editor and OBJ to GSMESH export.
- Materials and Shaders
GLSL vertex and shader program support with prebuilt shader effects including: Per-Pixel Lighting, Normal Mapping, Displacement Mapping, and advanced water rendering. Load textures from PNG, JPEG, TGA, TIFF, PVR, DDS, GIF, BMP, and PSD. Support for basic material effects like specular and ambient lighting.
- Load models from OBJ a common format exported from almost all modeling tools.
- Load from proprietary binary format for static geometry exported from Mega Mesh.
- Model LOD support for maximum graphics speed and quality.
- Simple primitives (block, sphere, cylinder).
- Model vertex interpolation animation for great looking animations that run well on weak and strong systems alike.
- Built in powerful multithreaded OpenAL sound support.
- Interactive 3D sounds with Doppler and velocity effects.
Special Effects
- Advanced particle systems with powerful editing and creation tool Wizard.
- Powerful shader effects including: Per-Pixel Lighting, Normal Mapping, Displacement Mapping, and advanced water rendering.
- Billboarding.
- Alpha blending.
- Simple reflections.
- Alpha to coverage with image conversion tool High Res.
Scene Management
- Automatic depth ordering.
- Support for multithreaded world loading and streaming.
- Advanced 3D terrain system with terrain editor Earth Shop.
- GPU occlusion queries.
- Powerful world loading and rendering with world editor Galaxy Forge.
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